7 Reasons to Visit Alaska: Why You Should Put It On Your Bucket List

Alaska is one of the most beautiful states in our country, and it’s a shame that so many people don’t visit. The scenery is amazing, the wildlife plentiful, and there are plenty of things to do for all ages. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should put Alaska on your bucket list, then this blog post has 7 reasons why you will love visiting!

The Scenery is Gorgeous: 

Alaska has some of the most beautiful scenery in North America. Everywhere you turn, there’s always something new and stunning to take in. You’ll be constantly stopping for pictures so that you can try and capture this amazing place with your camera!

NamesThompson Pass, Keystone Canyon, Valdez Harbor

Wildlife Galore: 

If you love wildlife, then Alaska is the state for you. You’ll be able to see all of your favorite animals in one place! We can’t tell you how many times we saw a bear or an eagle while exploring this beautiful country.

Names: Katmai National Park and Preserve, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, and,  Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Activities For All Ages: 

One of our favorite parts about visiting Alaska was being surrounded by people from around the world. Alaska has something for everyone, and you’ll find a lot of people there with the same interests as you!

NamesVisit the museums, restaurants, and cafes in Juneau and Anchorage and explore Denali

The Food is Delicious: 

You don’t have to worry about bringing any food on your trip because Alaskan cuisine will be sure to fill up that hunger void while traveling. There are plenty of restaurants in every city, and they all have different types of food to enjoy.

NamesCrow’s Nest Restaurant, Homestead Restaurant, Foraker Restaurant

The Scenery is Breathtaking: 

We didn’t think it was possible for a place on earth to be as beautiful as Alaska. Everywhere you turn, there’s another mountain or glacier that will take your breath away! You’ll never want to leave this awesome state because the scenery is just that good.

NamesMatanuska Glacier, Long Lake, Hatcher Pass

The People are kind and welcoming: 

We had a really great time during my stay in Alaska because of how the people there made me feel welcomed. They were all so friendly, and they always helped give advice on where to go next! It was such an awesome experience getting to know them better while exploring this amazing place.

There’s Never a Dull Moment: 

Alaska is an incredible state because you’re never bored! It was so easy to find something new and exciting to do every day, which made our trip unforgettable. We wish that everyone would visit this awesome destination before it becomes too late for them!

Alaska is an amazing state with so much to offer. If you haven’t made plans for a visit yet, we hope these 7 reasons have convinced you that it deserves one of your next vacation days! Is Alaska on your bucket list now?